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Meet Lyndsey Goriss

Five star pocket rocket

Lyndsey Goriss’ enthusiasm is infectious. Just ask the 150 or so women — young, middle-aged, slim, obese, mothers, daughters, fit, barely mobile — who have signed up to her latest 12-week challenge. They want to be part of the team that is changing habits and changing lives.


” It’s not an eight, 10 or 12-week fix, but it’s a whole life adjustment” – Lyndsey Goriss

Clad in pink, armed with a clipboard and a whistle, and radiating a 1000kW smile; if there’s one thing Lyndsey Goriss can’t stand is people putting themselves down and doubting their abilities — and she’s not afraid to tell them.

“I don’t baby ‘poor me’ people and wrap them up in cotton wool,” she says, her Irish accent ringing strong. “I’ll often say to clients that we need to ‘sage spray that negative energy away’, and get started on changing their lives for the better. It’s not an eight, 10 or 12-week fix, but it’s a whole life adjustment.”

5star-ladies-bootcampWith four major programs on the go — Five Star Fitness’ 12-week challenge for women, a separate six-week challenge for Mums and Bubs, the new eight-week Bootcamp for Men and her in-school program KidzFit — Lyndsey is attracting Townsvillians from all walks of life who have struggled to find their feet at the gym.

“I used to hate going to the gym and exercising, so I’m always thinking, ‘how can I make it fun and still get results?’” says Lyndsey, who readily admits she exercises so she can still enjoy the finer things in life.

“There are always lots of tears when someone achieves what they didn’t think was possible; especially having so many people who believe in them” – Lyndsey Goriss

lyndseyNo stranger to thinking outside the box, Lyndsey was in public relations and marketing before she had her daughter, Willow, five years ago. Wanting to create a new working life that fitted around her family, she followed her husband Brent into fitness; studying and becoming qualified over 18 months while looking after a baby. But it was on holidays in Europe when things got really serious. In Paris, over dinner and a bottle of wine, Lyndsey announced her vision to Brent, determined that when they got home she would buy a dual cab Ute, get it sign-written, and have shirts and business cards made. “That’s what I did, and it boomed overnight,” she says.

Now up to her sixth 12-week challenge, they are getting bigger and better with the benefit of experience. And the prize categories are growing. The latest winner was Deb Murray who lost a whopping 18.8 kilos and 19% body weight in three months. But it’s not just about numbers on scales — it’s about improving fitness, getting into a better head space (hello endorphins) and meeting lots of other like-minded (sweating and puffing) people. The sense of team is so strong within the Five Star Fitness ranks that in a 5km run the stronger runners are paired to those who are struggling. This ensures everyone gets over the line, where they are cheered by the other challengers.


“It makes a massive difference and there are always lots of tears when someone achieves what they didn’t think was possible; especially having so many people who believe in them,” says Lyndsey. “I just can’t express how much I love what I do. Every night I come home and start gabbling away to my husband about everyone’s achievements and I’m creating little albums from my phone while I’m in bed — everyone is so inspiring and I love being part of their journey.”

Five laws from Lyndsey


  • Goal setting is crucial, but it needs to be individual and realistic. If you are trying to lose weight, set 5kg short-term goals and realise it may take a couple of years to reach your dream. But each 5kg will make it happen.
  • Surround yourself with positive people so you can feed off their support and energy
  • Repetition is a motivation buster so don’t be afraid to try new things
  • Keep it fun. If you fall over or spew, be prepared to laugh about it (and possibly have it posted on Facebook).
  • Scales are the enemy for new mothers — concentrate on feeling good, getting your strength back and being a mum before you even think about weighing yourself.

Photography by Clare Powell

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Carly Lubicz

Carly Lubicz

Carly Lubicz is combining two of her great loves — writing and getting active. Previously working as a journalist, sub-editor, and editor in newspapers and magazines; she is editor and co-founder of TheGo Townsville. She stays active with the staples of road cycling and yoga, but has recently discovered triathlon. And become addicted (apart from the swimming part). She also has a Cert III in Fitness and is passionate about improving mental health through physical activity.

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