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Have You Tried: Hip Hop

Whether you want to impress your mates with your popping, locking, gliding, and krumping moves, or just get fit and learn how to move in a relaxed and social environment, Hip Hop could be just the thing to get your toes tapping and heart pumping. We caught up with Meg Bennett – a fan and teacher of the popular street dance genre who will be hosting a new workshop at Lighten Up NQ. She explains how anyone can do it, why she loves it, and the secret to a convincing krump.

Why Hip Hop? I love the fact that it’s not technical, and it’s all about bringing your own style and flavour. You don’t have to be perfect at the moves, but just bring your personality.

What are your favourite moves? I really enjoy krumping, but not so much twerking; but it really depends on the song – everyone has their signature moves!

meg-hip-hop-dance-townsville-krump-itWho do you think it appeals to the most? Hip Hop is popular with mid teens to late 20s, but also with people in their 30s and 40s. It’s great for friends, mothers and daughters and even couples.

Does anything often surprise people? It’s a really fun form of fitness, but people are always really surprised at how much of a workout it is – when you watch the professionals they make it look easy!

What can attendees expect? We’ll be learning the different parts of Jasmine Meakin’s [world-renowned hip hop choreographer based in Brisbane] Thrift Shop each week. I love Jasmine’s style – it’s fresh, funky and fun (see YouTube clip above for the choreography).

Do you have to be good at dancing to come along? Not at all! It’s a beginner level and we’ll keep going through the moves until everyone has nailed them. Just come along and give it a go.

Lighten Up NQ’s Hip Hop workshop starts on Sunday, February 8 at 4.30pm. It’s $80 for five weeks and the course will culminate in a Flash Mob in City Lane. For more information, see our Events Calendar.

Meg’s top krumping tips

  1. Make it strong – don’t hesitate
  2. Give it attitude – put your all into it
  3. Give it your own unique twist – don’t worry if you feel like a goof doing it


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Carly Lubicz

Carly Lubicz

Carly Lubicz is combining two of her great loves — writing and getting active. Previously working as a journalist, sub-editor, and editor in newspapers and magazines; she is editor and co-founder of TheGo Townsville. She stays active with the staples of road cycling and yoga, but has recently discovered triathlon. And become addicted (apart from the swimming part). She also has a Cert III in Fitness and is passionate about improving mental health through physical activity.

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