We caught up with four local guys who are firing up for Adventurethon Magnetic Island next weekend. Whether they’re opting for the Ultra on Saturday to compete with the elites, or the Taste of Adventurethon on the Sunday to spend valuable time with family; with a week to go they are all looking forward to testing their skills on the challenging course and soaking up the social side of this must-do tropical island event.
Luke Smythe – BNG Sports Ultra
Electrical apprentice, 18
13km paddle, 4.2km run, 13km paddle, 29km ride, 18.4km trail run
Is this your first Adventurethon? This will be my fifth Ultra Adventurethon… my first Adventurethon was an Enduro in 2012 (aged 15).
What made you sign up for the Ultra? After completing the Enduro I set my goals on finishing an Ultra at Magnetic Island the following year.
What’s your goal? To get a podium finish in the elites and to beat Guy Andrews, who is a tough competitor coming to the event from down south. I would also love to give [local favourite] Sam Stedman a run for his money in the near future.
“When times get tough on the day, don’t doubt your ability and know that you can push through and finish. It is crucial to believe in yourself and believe you can finish”
What have you done to prepare? For the past few years my weakness has been my paddling, so since January I have stepped this up to four to five times a week, which has shown improvement. My running is my strength out of the three disciplines. I believe the run is the toughest leg of the race because it’s at the end of the event when you are most fatigued and in the hottest part of the day. Good running fitness will help me push through for a strong finish. I ride whenever I can fit it in throughout the week – not necessarily long rides, more technical or high gear work trying to work on strength.
What do you think you’ll find the most challenging? For Magnetic Island at this time of year, the heat is always the biggest obstacle (the longer you’re out there the worse it is!). Riding and running through the soft sand on the beach is a close second.
What are you most pumped about? I look forward to executing a good race plan and crossing the finish line knowing that I have put my best efforts in. Apart from the serious side, I also look forward to getting in the kiddies’ pool filled with ice and a free beer for finishing.
Any tips to share? The lead up to the race is the most important. I find what really helps me is knowing I have done everything required in training to mentally prepare me for the race. When times get tough on the day, don’t doubt your ability and know that you can push through and finish. It is crucial to believe in yourself and believe you can finish: your limits are mental, not physical. Nutrition/hydration is the next key to a successful finish. On race day don’t try anything new, use what works for you (not others). It’s a lot harder to stay mentally focused in the heat, so set yourself small goals when going through a low and keep moving.
Best fitness achievement to-date? Completing The North Face 100 in 2014 which is a 100km trail run in the Blue Mountains. This was my dream race to compete in and my first 100km run, which I finished in well under my goal time.
Anything else to add? Remember you paid to race – enjoy your day!
Ray Francis – Mike Carney Enduro
Self employed, 65
13km paddle, 23km ride, 12.1km run
“Competing is great! Keep up your hydration and nutrition, but be serious about having a good sense of humour and fun!”
Is this your first Adventurethon? No, last year I did Adventurethon Magnetic Island and Townsville (Pallarenda).
What made you sign up for the Enduro? As I did it last year, I thought I would do it again before the legs got too old!
What’s your goal? To be run over by an oncoming MTB…. Seriously: Just to have fun, keep fit, meet a bunch of like-minded folks and go for the adrenalin rush.
What have you done to prepare? This year my prep is under done. I’ve done some crash running, repeat road rides up Mount Stuart, Herveys Range and Castle Hill, and I’ve done a couple of paddling sessions with Outer Limits in the lead-up.
What do you think you’ll find the most challenging? This year all three legs, but most likely the mountain biking.
What are you most pumped about? Just getting out there and seeing if I can better last year’s finishing time.
Any tips to share? Competing is great! Keep up your hydration and nutrition, but be serious about having a good sense of humour and fun!
Most memorable moment from past events? In last year’s Adventurethon it was the creek crossing on the beach with the tide in: It totally submerged me and my mountain bike.
Best fitness achievement to-date? Participating in last year’s Smiling for Smiddy charity ride 1800km from Brisbane to Townsville over eight days.
Anything else to add? One is never too old to participate in sport! Have fun, will travel!
Jason Peterkin – Performance Physio Dirty Duathlon
Diesel mechanic, 37
16.2km trail and beach run, 29km bike, 2.4km run
Is this your first Adventurethon? Yes.
What made you sign up for the Duathlon? I don’t own a surf ski so I haven’t had much time paddling. I can run and bike well so the Duathlon suits me better.
What’s your goal? To finish in a good time and leave nothing in the tank.
What have you done to prepare? I do bootcamp five times a week, play Oztag on Wednesday nights and go for rides most Saturdays and Sundays, so I keep fairly active.
“Run at your own pace, don’t try to grind too high a gear, control your breathing and – if all else fails – just keep putting one foot in front of the other”
What do you think you’ll find the most challenging? The second short and sharp run will be the most challenging because the legs will be fatigued from the long first run and bike leg.
What are you most pumped about? I’m looking forward to crossing the finish line knowing that I gave it my all.
Any tips to share? Run at your own pace, don’t try to grind too high a gear, control your breathing and – if all else fails – just keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Most memorable moment from other events? I competed in last year’s Pallarenda 12km Outer Limits Trail Run and came 10th in my age category. In the first Outer Limits Multi Sport Enduro this year I got equal first in 38 points and fourth in the final hot lap.
Anything else to add? I like to keep active, love adventuring and travelling to new and different places.
Raphael Guillien – Taste of Adventurethon
CEO of Bambou Indochine, 44
1km paddle, 10km ride, 2.4km run
Is this your first Adventurethon? Yes – I’m originally from France and have been living in Australia for three years.
What made you sign up for the Taste? My children. My 12-year-old daughter Kalani and eight-year-old son Tehano both love outdoor activities and are very active, so this is a good opportunity to have fun as a family in a nice environment. If I like it then it might be a good incentive to train for the Enduro for the Townsville event, even if I don’t like to run!
“My goal is that is the four of us will all have a good time and want to do it again in the near future. This is the type of event that fits in very well with our attitude towards life and what we are doing with our kids”
What’s your goal? My wife Renee is doing the event too, so my goal is that is the four of us will all have a good time and want to do it again in the near future. This is the type of event that fits in very well with our attitude towards life and what we are doing with our kids.
What have you done to prepare? My wife joined a women’s cycling group a few months ago; the kids have been training in various sports, including Townsville Tri Club, but not paddling. So I’ve been starting to paddle with Sam Stedman’s group Outer Limits Adventure Fitness since last week, which is great fun, even if I’m not very comfortable yet in waves. I’ve been around the Under The Radar trail a few times, but no serious training. It will be Tehano’s first time by himself on a kayak, so we’ll try to get out this weekend.
What do you think you’ll find the most challenging? I don’t believe it will be too challenging, but I’m not fit enough to be able to compete in the Enduro Adventurethon at this stage. One challenge will be to ensure my son is not sprinting straight away, but keeping his pace all the way – this is always an interesting exercise!
What are you most pumped about? Sharing the experience with the family and hopefully it will become a must-do tradition in the future.
Any tips to share? I think drinking and taking the appropriate nutrients on a regular basis will be very important for everyone involved in the event; regardless of which event they are competing in.
Best fitness achievement to-date? Downhill mountain biking the avalanche corridor in the French Alps.
Anything else to add? I’m very happy to see these types of events in Townsville. Mixing up sports is a great idea and creates new challenges for everyone. The fact there are many categories fitting different fitness levels is fantastic and helps to increase the fitness of Townsville people.
Get involved
Entries have sold out, but if you’re still keen to participate, then contact Joel at [email protected] as injuries could free-up some last-minute spots.
You can still get involved in this event as a volunteer. Adventurethon needs people who are keen to snap photos, take video (for free to air TV) or media students who would like event reporting experience. Email [email protected].
Also, if you’re a competitor, don’t forget to download the Adventurethon App. This means spectators will see where you are on the course, plus it’s also a great safety tool. For more information, read our article.
facebook.com/AdventurethonAustralia | adventurethon.com.au/events/magnetic-island/