Activity in a nutshell
Girls will be participating in a round-robin series of activities, including putting up tents; cooking; and learning through adventure-based play, craft, and geo-caching — just a sample of the variety of things Girl Guides do in a year.
What’s great about it?
Girl Guides is about having fun and adventure with girls your own age, and working together to meet challenges. Girls are empowered to grow into confident, self-respecting, responsible community members through a variety of outdoor activities (camping, canoeing, hiking, etc), community service, life skills, teamwork and leadership.
Who’s it best for?
This activity is open to girls aged five to 17. Parents can stay, have a cuppa, and see what Guides is all about, including chatting to other parents currently involved in Guiding.
Missed out on this class?
Make sure you add your name and contact details to the waiting list as there are always last-minute cancellations.
Psst: If you’re an adult and keen to help out in future, Guides is looking for adult leaders — you don’t need to have done Guides yourself and full training is provided at no expense.