TheGo is taking a break. This means we will not be updating our content, including events or contact details. While we hope you still get value out of our past stories, please independently check the info in case it has changed. Enjoy your next active adventure! P.S. You can still follow us on Instagram @TheGoTownsville...
Tara Caetano is a certified holistic health and lifestyle coach and blogger over at feedmeblog.com. Prior to studying with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Tara danced between long stints of travel and corporate PA and events roles in Sydney, before discovering her true passion for health and healing. In coaching women to find nourishment and joy on their plate, Tara quickly discovered the importance of uncovering the beliefs and patterns that were fuelling the self sabotage, resistance and anxiety often associated with women’s poor food choices, adding fire to her already burning desire to see women break free from limitation and into their dream life. Today, Tara lives in Townsville and is a passionate advocate for living life large, whilst constantly nourishing the physical, emotional and spiritual foundations that support us in doing so. She teaches her tribe to demand adventure in every moment, use real (fun) food to nourish their bodies, and live in a state of constant wonder and curiosity.