TheGo is taking a break. This means we will not be updating our content, including events or contact details. While we hope you still get value out of our past stories, please independently check the info in case it has changed. Enjoy your next active adventure! P.S. You can still follow us on Instagram @TheGoTownsville...

Tag: adventurethon


The magic of Adventurethon

Thinking of signing up to your first Adventurethon or upping the ante with your distance? Read this inspiring first-hand account by Lyndell Punshon who remains ever-changed by the experience of doing her first Ultra and …

Meet Daina Clark

Just five years ago Daina Clark was told she should never ride or run again after a major stack on her mountain bike resulted in debilitating back injuries. Fast forward to 2015 and the podiatrist …

Meet Casie & Troy Meikle

Partners in adventure When Casie Meikle decided to get active and lose weight for her 2010 wedding, she didn’t bank on some unexpected gains: Falling in love with fitness so much that she’s gone on …

Fierce & Friendly Rivals

They race neck-and-neck in every multisport event they enter. With their levels of elite fitness and competiveness you’d think Melbourne’s Jarad Kohlar and local gun Sam Stedman would be mortal enemies, but they’ve actually become …